4 Tips To Help You Organize Ferrous And Non-Ferrous Metals For Recycling

If you want to get the most for your efforts when recycling scrap metals, knowing more about ferrous and non-ferrous metals can help. These metals can be hidden with large steel or even be non-ferrous stainless steel and alloys. Sometimes, large parts on cars can even be blocks of aluminum that are much more valuable than steel. Here are some tips that will help you separate non-ferrous metals to get the most for your recycling efforts:

1. Getting The Tools You Need To Identify Non-Ferrous Metals

When you are separating metals, there are some basic tools that you will need to identify the metals. This can be done with a simple magnet because the non-ferrous metals do not have magnetic properties. There are also metal scanners that can tell you about the metal and its properties, which may be a good investment if you plan on scrapping a lot of metal.

2. Common Places Where Aluminum May Be The Metal Used

There are many places where you may find aluminum mixed with common steel materials. This is often the case with industrial equipment like piping where a lightweight material is important. Aluminum can also be found in a lot of car parts, such as transmission casings, engine blocks and the heads of motors. Double check these materials to make sure they are steel and not aluminum.

3. Separating Non-Ferrous Steel Materials From The Common Scraps

Separating non-ferrous steel materials can also be another thing that can get you more for your efforts. Many steel materials may be alloys that are made to be resistant to corrosion. The non-ferrous steel materials are commonly found in building materials, outdoor objects like swing sets and industrial equipment. Separate any materials from equipment, which may be stainless steel and worth more than common galvanized materials.

4. Taking Materials In Separately To Not Confuse Them For Common Steel

If you are taking truckloads of materials into the recycling center, it is a good idea to take separate trips. First, take all the ferrous steel and tin materials to get the cash for them. The non-ferrous materials can be taken separately to ensure you get a good price for them. If you do not have a lot of weight, you can keep the pile and collect more, so you can get more for your efforts.

These are some tips that will help you get the most for recycling non-ferrous metals. If you have scraps to recycle, contact a scrap metal service and talk with them about the prices that they take for some of these other metals.

For non-recyclables, contact a waste services company
